「使徒・預言者」プロファイル:C・ピーター・ワグナー(C. Peter Wagner)
2020.02.26 新使徒運動(NAR)

元フラー神学校教授。同校で教会成長を30年間にわたって教えた(1971~2001年)。1980年代に「聖霊の第三の波」という用語を生み出し、福音派にカリスマ派の影響を広める。1990年代には、現代の使徒運動を「新しい使徒的宗教改革(New Apostolic Reformation:NAR)」と名付けて理論的な側面から使徒運動を推進した。使徒運動の指導者がすべてワグナーと同じ思想に立っているわけではないが、直接的にせよ間接的にせよ、ワグナーの著作から多大な影響を受けており、使徒運動を理解するにはワグナーの教えを知る必要があると言える。2016年10月死去。
ICAL(International Coalition of Apostolic Leaders)
400人以上の「使徒」が登録する世界最大の使徒コミュニティ。前身のICA(International Coalition of Apostles)の頃から、ワグナーが代表使徒(Presiding Apostle)を務めていた。現在の代表使徒はジョン・P・ケリー。
ワグナー・ユニバーシティ(Wagner University)
旧称ワグナー・リーダーシップ・インスティチュート(Wagner Leadership Institute)。ワグナーの教えに基づいて、次世代の霊的指導者を育成する教育機関。教理は重視せず、霊的戦いなどの「実践的」な教育を行っている。現在はフラー神学校でワグナーに師事したチェ・アン(ハーベスト・インターナショナル・ミニストリーズ)が学長を務める。日本校も開設されている。
神がこうした教会に備えてくださった新しい革袋(訳注:現代の使徒運動)に私が付けた名称が、「新しい使徒的宗教改革」(New Apostolic Reformation)である。「宗教改革」と呼ぶ理由は、今私たちが目撃しているのはプロテスタントの宗教改革以来で最も大きな変化で、「教会のあり方」を根本的に変えるものだからである。「使徒的」と呼ぶのは、古い革袋(訳注:伝統的なプロテスタント教会)からの変化として最も根本的で大きな変化が、使徒の賜物と使徒職を認めることだからである。また、「新しい」と名付けたのは、「使徒的」という言葉を公式名に取り入れているいくつかの伝統的な教団と区別するためである。
― C. Peter Wagner, Apostles Today (Baker Publishing Group, 2012), p.9 (Kindle 版)My term for the new wineskin that God has provided for these churches is the “New Apostolic Reformation.” It is a “reformation” because we are currently witnessing the most radical change in the way of “doing church” since the Protestant Reformation. It is “apostolic” because the recognition of the gift and office of apostle is the most radical of a whole list of changes from the old wineskin. And it is “new” to distinguish it from several older traditional church groups that have incorporated the term “apostolic” into their official name.
C. Peter Wagner, Spheres of Authority: Apostles in Today’s Church (Wagner Publications, 2002), p. 97Apostles receive revelations from God, and consequently they are able to say ‘This is what the Spirit is saying to the churches right now.’ Making such a statement with credibility carries with it tremendous authority.
― C. Peter Wagner, Apostles Today (Baker Publishing Group, 2012), p.22 (Kindle 版)While there are several things that distinguish apostles from other members of the Body of Christ, the major characteristic that stands out over the others is their exceptional authority. This is reflected in 1 Corinthians 12:28: “And God has appointed these in the church: first apostles, second prophets, third teachers” (emphasis added). Thus, apostles are first in the divine order of church leadership.
― C. Peter Wagner, “The Truth About The New Apostolic Reformation“, Charisma MagazineSome object to the notion that God communicates directly with us, supposing that everything that God wanted to reveal He revealed in the Bible. This cannot be true, however, because there is nothing in the Bible that says it has 66 books. It actually took God a couple of hundred years to reveal to the church which writings should be included in the Bible and which should not. That is extra-biblical revelation … the one major rule governing any new revelation from God is that it cannot contradict what has already been written in the Bible. It may supplement it, however.
― C. Peter Wagner, The Changing Church: How God is Leading His Church into the Future (Regal Books, 2004), p. 19The Spirit of Religion is an agent of Satan assigned to prevent change and maintain the status quo by using religious devices.
― C. Peter Wagner, The Changing Church: How God Is Leading His Church into the Future (Regal Books, 2004), P. 19Jesus tells us, not once but seven times, in the book of Revelation, “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says [present tense] to the churches” (Rev. 2:7, et al). The spirit of religion wants to wear us out mentally (belaw) so that we do not hear. It causes religious leaders to concentrate not on what the Spirit is saying (present tense), but on what the Spirit said (past tense) in a former season. In other words, this spirit causes a desire in them to preserve the status quo. More than that, religious leaders like the Pharisees think that preserving the status quo is the will of God.
― C. Peter Wagner, On Earth As It Is in Heaven (Baker Publishing Group, 2010), p.73 (Kindle 版)At one point, here is how Jesus described His own mission: “For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10). Our traditional pastoral understanding of this statement has been that Jesus came to save those who were lost, not that which was lost. Of course, He did come to save individual souls, as I have said, but this particular verse does not refer to individuals; it refers to the dominion over creation that Adam lost in the Garden of Eden.
― C. Peter Wagner, Wrestling with Alligators, Prophets and Theologians (Regal Books, 2010) <引用元:ウィリアム・ウッド『日本の教会に忍び寄る危険なムーブメント』(ハーベスト・タイム・ミニストリーズ)P.65~66>
― C. Peter Wagner, Breaking Strongholds in Your City (Monarch Books, 1993) p.25 <引用元:http://www.gospelcom.net/uplook/resources/just_the_facts/territorial_spirits.html>10 million Japanese will come to Christ by the year 2000; it helped to bring down the Berlin Wall and opened Albania to the gospel; it deposed dictator Manuel Noriega; it lowered the crime rate in Los Angeles and broke the power of demons over Japan
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- アイキャッチ画像:(c) Jandirp / CC BY-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)